Aeriane Swift Lite
Godfrey Wenness is the Australian importer for the Belgian buillt Swift Lite ultralight glider. It is a hi-tech carbon fibre, foot launchable, 3 axis control, sailplane which in its basic form weighs a mere 48kgs ! With an L/D of 27:1 and slow speed thermalling it can out climb any other glider and be flown safely at high speeds (Vne is 120km/h).
The Swift Lite's flying characteristics are safe and easy. In testing it was virtually unable to spin unless the C of G was deliberately moved well back, the stall was predictable and clean with a slight nose dip to recover (like a hang glider). The optional PAS kits turns the Swift Lite into a self launching glider.

Swift Lite - basic with fairing EURO 31,950 (plus delivery and GST)
This is the foot launchable version including the aerodynamic fairing.
Data : L/D 27:1, Vmin-sink 0.6 m/s @ 40km/h, VNE 120 km/h, Load Test 8.7G / - 6.0G. Weight 48kgs.
Airbrakes and ballastic reserve parachute are also available.
For more information and full price lists for options click here !

Swift Lite PAS - with engine & fairing etc EURO 29,300 (plus delivery and GST) The 4 stroke petrol PAS is no Longer in production
The PAS option adds a special optimised cockpit and fairing, steerable nose wheel, 18HP 4 stroke engine and tiplet wheels for self launching.
Data : The L/D is reduced from 27:1 > 24:1, min sink is up slightly to 0.65 m/s @ 45km/h, Load Test: 7.95G / -3.98G. MTOW 191kgs.
Airbrakes and ballistic reserve parachute are also available.
For more information and full price lists of options click here !
Coming One Day...
..... E-Drive !
The E-Drive electric motor and propulsion technology is ground breaking new pateted technology from the Swiss company FLYTEC. Multiple World Champion Manfred Ruhmer has been testing protoypes of the E-drive on his Swift lite and commercial adaptation is coming soon. This is very exciting news for the Swift Lite and will be at competative pricing to the 4 stroke petrol engine set up. As soon as the unit is available we will have a demo Swift in Manilla. Stay tuned for news !

For Swift Lite enquiries please contact Godfrey : ph 02 67 85 65 45 or email click here !